But alas, that worked in QGIS 3.0 but is not compatible (as of now) for QGIS 3.2. So I searched around and found some suggestions for a different plugin called QuickMapServices which was a great replacement. It turns out that plugin is no longer available for QGIS 3.x. You could pull in layers from OSM, Google, Bing, and others. I was using the OpenLayers plugin in QGIS 2.x as an easy resource to add base maps to my projects. I recently switched to QGIS 3 since I need to use that in my book (by the time it comes out 2.18 will be old news), and had to spend time starting from scratch since the plugin I always used was no longer available (ahhh the pitfalls of relying on 3rd party plugins – see my last post on SQLite). I did a lot of hiking around Sedona, Arizona a few weeks ago, and wanted to map my GPS way points and tracks in QGIS over some WMS (web mapping service) base map layers.